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py27-libusb1 Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1
py34-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 3.4
py35-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 3.5
PyBabelFish Gtk-based frontend for several translation services on web
pydance Simulator of Dance Dance Revolution and similar games
pydb The Extended Python Debugger
pympress PDF presentation tool
pypanel Lightweight panel written in Python and C for X11
pypod Python tools for manipluating iPod data
pysite XHTML website generation tool
pythia6 Program can be used to generate high-energy-physics events
pythoncad PythonCAD is a CAD package written, surprisingly enough, in Python
pywm Window manager in Python
pyzor Collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam
q Command line tool for direct SQL-like queries on CSVs/TSVs
q-dns Tiny and feature-rich command line DNS client
q2pro Quake2 multiplayer orientated client
q5go Tool for Go players
qbe-git Compiler backend
qcdloop Repository of one-loop scalar Feynman integrals
qemu-git CPU emulator using dynamic translation
qemu-guest-agent CPU emulator using dynamic translation
qemu-virtfs-netbsd CPU emulator using dynamic translation
qFlipper Flipper Zero firmware update tool
qgis Geographic Information System (GIS)
qico FidoNet mailer
qiew Reverse engineering tool
qimgv Fast and easy to use image viewer
qira QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser
qlcplus Q Light Controller Plus
qlipper Cross-platform clipboard history applet
qmc2 Multi-platform GUI front end for MAME and MESS
qmediamanager GUI tool for managing removable media
qn-x11 GTK theme-engine to yield a QNX look and feel
qq jq-inspired interoperable config format transcoder
qrint Orthonormal integrators
qrq Open source Morse telegraphy trainer
qstat QStat is a command-line program that displays information about Internet game servers
qstat214 QStat is a program displays information about game servers
qt-openzwave Daemon and MQTT interface for Z-Wave controller
qt1 QT version 1
qt5-libqtlua Lua alternative to the Qt5Script module
qt5-qjson Qt5 library for handling JSON data
qt5-qtbase-git C++ X GUI toolkit
qt6-qtwebengine Qt6 webengine module
qtaccountsservice Qt-style API for's AccountsService DBus service
qtfm Qt file manager
qtile Fully-featured, pure-Python tiling window manager
qtractor Qt Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application
quantlib Framework for quantitative finance
quarkcoin Open source Internet currency
quex Lexical analyzer generator
quickie Small footprint, fast Wiki engine written in C++
quiterss RSS/Atom feed reader
Qweyboard Velotype/Veyboard like experience on a regular computer keyboard
qwt6-qt4 Qt widget library for technical purposes
qxmpp XMPP client library based on Qt and C++
R Statistical language for data analysis and graphics
R-arrow Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'
R-biganalytics Library of utilities for big.matrix objects of package bigmemory
R-bigmemory Manage massive matrices with shared memory and memory-mapped files
R-bigmemory.sri Shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages
R-bigtabulate R table, tapply, and split-like functionality for (big.)matrix objects
R-BiocGenerics Generic functions for Bioconductor
R-bnlearn Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference
R-C50 C5.0 decision trees and rule-based models
R-conditionz Control how many times conditions are thrown
R-crul HTTP client
R-cubature Adaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes
R-curl Modern and flexible web client for R
R-doParallel Foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package
R-easySVG Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator
R-elevatr Access elevation data from various APIs
R-entropy Estimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities
R-fitdistrplus Fit a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data
R-foreach Foreach looping construct for R
R-furrr Apply mapping functions in parallel using futures
R-future Unified parallel and distributed processing in R
R-getopt C-Like 'getopt' Behavior
R-gmp Multiple Precision Arithmetic for R
R-graph R package to handle graph data structures
R-httpcode 'HTTP' status code helper
R-listenv Environments behaving (almost) as lists
R-lsei Solving Least Squares under Equality/Inequality Constraints
R-marmap Import, plot and analyze bathymetric and topographic data
R-Matrix Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
R-mclust Model-based clustering and normal mixture modeling
R-mpfr Multiple Precision Floating Point Arithmetic for R
R-MySQL R interface for MySQL
R-nloptr R interface to NLopt
R-np Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types
R-npsurv Nonparametric Survival Analysis
R-oai General purpose 'Oai-PMH' services client
R-optparse Command Line Option Parser
R-parallelly Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
R-progressr An inclusive, unifying API for progress updates
R-Rcpp Seamless R and C++ integration
R-readxl Read Excel files
R-rgbif Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API
R-Rgraphviz Plotting capabilities for R graph objects
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